

Look at my Plant Gallery pictures for a pic of  "GOD'S GLORY"...I have tried to Key it out to no avail, I took it to Stillwater (OSU) to Ron Tyrl and he couldn't come up with a name, He gave me a name of an Andropogon Guru back up NE somewhere and that guy never answered me ...So I am going to name it...

"GOD'S GLORY"...Andropogon virginicus var. Grimesii...

2012 Cimarron River Wildflower Pilgrimage

The Cimarron River Wildflower Pilgrimage is a one-day event offering a guided tour to observe and identify wildflowers (common and Latin names) and to observe buterflies ( pollinator species) and birds..and other wildlife...

You will travel by a tractor-drawn trailer to our Cimarron River Pasture and will be served a Texas Longhorn Burger ( grass-fed beef) and drink, for lunch under an American Elm tree...

Enrollment is limited, if interested call and make a reservation...Dates are Friday, Sept 28th and Saturday, Sept 29th...

1000's of Inept Decisions...(Our political Governing Body)

A sign in a used car dealers office...

Samson slew a 1000 Philistines with jawbone of an ass...

A 1000 car deals a day have been ruined by jawbone of an ass...

I would like to add... 1000's of governing laws have been made by the jawbone of an ass...(particularly where it has to do with gun control)... Everything the government touches turns to crap...

Our leadership has turned from GOD ...So what should we expect coming back at us...CRAP...

Wake Up America... and vote for correction...