The Legacy of the Grasslander Website

  1. The Grasslander Seeder Principle of how to plant the a multiple native species planting mixture...
  2. Multiple Native Species Planting Mixtures...
    • A planting of many species based on the number of seeds per square foot,
      rather than just pure live seed pounds per acre, should be used...
  3. How to designMultiple Native Species Planting Mixture...
  4. How to Calibrate the Grasslander Seeder...

“We want to leave this habitat, a little better than we found it…”

- Chuck Grimes

Look at my Plant Gallery pictures for a pic of  "GOD'S GLORY"...I have tried to Key it out to no avail, I took it to Stillwater (OSU) to Ron Tyrl and he couldn't come up with a name, He gave me a name of an Andropogon Guru back up NE somewhere and that guy never answered me ...So I am going to name it...

"GOD'S GLORY"...Andropogon virginicus var. Grimesii...